Thursday 5 April 2018

Review: Inner-Soul Organic Healing Night Balm

I was lucky enough to win 2 pots of Inner-Soul's award winning Organic Healing Night Balm in their recent Instagram, Mothers Day Competition.  Each jar costs £25 and contains 55ml.  The balm is supposed to heal, soothe and nourish your eyes, face and neck, soothing and protecting your skin as you sleep. The balm contains mango butter (a source of vitamin A) provides skin rejuvenation, arnica to heal and reduce dark circles, amaranth to reduce irritation, inflammation and dry skin, squalene to help reduce skin damage and outbreaks, and lavender and patchouli to  control sebum, naturally hydrate the skin and calm and relax the mind.

To use the balm I warmed a berry sized amount between the tips of my fingers then applied to my face, neck and under eye using upward and outward sweeping motions.

The balm is very thick and it takes a few moments to make it soft enough to spread over the face etc. Once it has warmed up it feels lovely to apply and the warm of the fingertips intensifies the aroma of  the lavender and patchouli.  I found it relaxing to massage into my skin and noticed a difference within around 6 days, especially to my forehead area.  The wrinkles didn't appear as defined and deep and in some areas the lines had gone altogether. I don't have under eye circles so can't comment upon the efficacy of the balm there but my under eye wrinkles were also less obvious.  Overall my skin does look clearer and I haven't had as many break outs. I did catch a skin infection when I was in hospital which resurfaces every so often. Once it had started healing I used the balm on it and it healed up without any scarring much quicker than usual.

I enjoy using this balm. My skin looks clearer and my forehead lines have significantly diminished.  I find the smell of lavender and patchouli relaxing and so will repurchase when it finally runs out!

I won this item in a competition but this has not influenced my review.

Available Here

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