I have now had to use a walking stick for several years and what strikes me most is the lack of choice. Yes, there are thousands for sale on Amazon UK but the majority are very similar (floral) in style. I started off with the heavy silver NHS one, then wanted one that was more me. I remember going on the Switch Sticks Facebook page when they were asking for ideas and the answer was generally fun, cute graphics with examples of paperchase prints and cute animals. They came out with a line of sticks with colourful swirls, which were okay but not what their potential customers wanted or were asking for.
There are lots of floral walking sticks about but I don't always want that particular graphic. Classic Canes have got a cute fish walking stick that looks a bit like Nemo, a parrot and a horse walking stick whilst Charles Buyers has a gorgeous British Birds walking stick, but they are the few that I could find.
I decided to restyle a walking stick so it suited me. I bought these 2 walking sticks. The leaves one is from walkingsticksonline.co.uk, the purple and black ones are from the stick and cane shop.
I bought several packs of cute stickers from eBay and Amazon UK and some book backing plastic.
I placed them where I wanted on my sticks.I cut the plastic backing into smaller squares and placed them over the stickers to prevent them peeling off or me picking them off. I think they turned out quite well. Obviously they don't look as professionally done as if they had been created by Classic Canes etc but they are fun, different and fit my personality!
Floral Garden Party Derby Cane
Woodland creature stickers
Handbag folding stick - black
The snowman and the Snowdog foiled stickers
Handbag walking stick - black
Birds and flowers
Handbag sized metallic purple walking stick
Butterfly glitter stickers
Metallic butterfly stickers
Backing film for books
Have bought several for dad ! Make the perfect father's day gift