Turtle Doves is a British company that designs and creates cashmere accessories from recycled accessories in the heart of Shropshire. The wool is sourced from charity shops, their new gloves are n exchange for an old sweater scheme and textile merchants. The business was started in 2009 by Kate Holbrook and has expanded from a business based in her home to a business employing over 20 people, some of whom had lost their seamstress jobs in the 1990s when Laura Ashley moved their operations overseas.
I follow Turtle Doves on Instagram and saw they had a lucky dip offer on their fingerless gloves - £29 down to £19. I bought a pair for my mum to wear as she has suffered for years from rehumatoid arthritis in her hands and when it is cold she has no feeling on her hands and they are very painful. The gloves arrived nicely boxed (recycled of course as is the brown wrapper) within 3 days of ordering them.

She has been wearing them constantly since she got them and her feedback is that they are really comfortable and soft and warm. She cannot feel any seams rubbing her wrists (some of her cheaper gloves do she this). They are a lovely muted burnt orange colour, which she likes, and she has already decided what colour she wants next. They are very light and not bulky to wear which are extremely important considerations when buying gloves for anyone who has arthritis or has problems with their hands as if they are too bulky or feel too heavy they are uncomfortable to wear. I have also tried them on (I have neuropathic pain in my hands) and found them comfortable and could still grip my walking stick handle properly and my mum could still hold her stylus to do her crossword or surf the internet on her tablet. The gloves are quite long so there is no gap, and potential for chilly wrists, between the gloves and jumper/coat arms. As she wears them all the time she is pleased that they look quite discrete and elegant and so not look as though she just forgot to take her gloves off and needs reminding to do so. They do fit a wide range of hand sizes. My hands are child size but they fit my mum's hands just as well and didn't go baggy when I wore a hen after she had had them on for a few hours.
I love Turtle Doves' ethos and products. The products are gorgeous and in their own small way make a stand against the fast fashion, throw away society which is becoming the norm. I just wish they made actual jumpers as well!
Such a great idea, I really get frustrated with the throwaway society we live in now, with youngsters thinking that 'upcycling' is all a new idea. We rarely had new clothes as children, and when things broke, we mended them.