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hi, I am a 40+ year old who loves jewellery and all things sparkly. I also enjoy trying out and reviewing new makeup products, finding stylish walking sticks, reading and writing book reviews. I will review anything from bird tables/ hedgehog houses to the latest fashion! My Instagram account is @sparkling_magpie

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Review: Accessorize / Z for Accessorize 14ct Gold Plated Tourmaline Pebble Necklace

  I haven’t purchased any jewellery from Z for Accessorize for around a year as nothing has really caught my eye plus I have put myself on a strict no buy rule with a few exceptions. I was, however, skimming through my Instagram feed and this tourmaline necklace popped up.

 This necklace measures 40cm including the extender. The chain is 14ct gold plated and the “pebbles” are pieces of tourmaline in dusty hues of pink, green, orange and grey. Tourmaline is thought to be a healing and calming stone both of which I need in bucket loads at the moment. The stones are absolutely beautiful and the necklace looks so much more expensive than it actually was/is. 

I had some points to use up and there was 30% off so it was a bargain! Accessorize do seem to be doing lots of offers at the moment, at the moment there is a £10 off £40 spend, plus if you have a free Accessorize card you get free shipping and collect points from purchases!

 The extender is innovative and means that the wearer has mr choice and control over how long the chain/ necklace will be. Traditional attached extender chains just have 3 or 4 rings fastened to a chain, so the necklace can be extended 3 different lengths. This necklace has a chain with a little ball with a ring attached which slides up and down the chain when it is held straight and tight  the wearer has a lot more choice and control over the exact length they want the necklace to be which I think is great.

 I haven’t seen much/ any Accessorize jewellery that I have liked or would recommend for so long but this necklace is great. It is very old school Lola Rose in the way the stones are cut and threaded together. The necklace could be worn as a year round piece as the pinks and orange stones sing warm summers whilst the greens and greys will look great next to burgundy or green jumpers for winter.  I love the innovative way the extender means the wearer has more choice over the length of the chain. My necklace will be a staple piece and I intend to rewear it a lot. 

I purchased this item myself and the views expressed in this blog are my own. 

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