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hi, I am a 40+ year old who loves jewellery and all things sparkly. I also enjoy trying out and reviewing new makeup products, finding stylish walking sticks, reading and writing book reviews. I will review anything from bird tables/ hedgehog houses to the latest fashion! My Instagram account is @sparkling_magpie

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Top 5 Valentines Day Gifts: #Whatwomenwant

I dislike Valentines Day immensely which is why I don’t do a Valentines gift guide blog post but I was interested to see that Mills & Boon have commissioned a survey to find out what women want for Valentines or V day as it is sometimes known. 

I could definitely go with the almost 1/2 of women under 30s who believe in celebrating Love for themselves whilst almost 1/4 would buy themselves a gift - I am always in the mood to buy myself a gift! And 1/3 (31%) would like to receive a book (great gift). The classic staples: flowers, chocolates and cards still top the gift list but they seem so boring and unimaginative when there are so many thoughtful gift ideas out there - like books! 

What are you buying/ expecting to receive on Valentines Day???? 


  1. My husband got me two signed books by my favorite author and I got him new gym shoes. We're VERY romantic lol.

  2. I just ask for chocolate! I'm super easy. My husband does the same. It's not really a big deal of a day to us.

  3. My favorite gift is a pint of ice cream. Then eating it in bed with my husband is the best

  4. I think buying yourself a gift for Valentine's is great! We should all be good to ourselves.

  5. We don't do valentine's day. We believe it is a time of over inflated flowers and chocolates.

  6. I think that Valentine's Day is way over-commercialized. I have been enjoying everybody's stories about what they did to show love rather than just buying things. I loved Kristen's response above--they got each other what they really loved rather than designated Valentine's Day gifts. That actually IS totally romantic!

  7. Everybody keeps gushing about Valentine's day. My husband wants to get me a teddy. I told him he is my teddy bear and I don't need extras.

  8. We don't really do Valentine's. I suppose that on the 14th we'll have a nice home-cooked dinner and a glass of wine and that's that.

  9. I am not expecting any gift from my Valentine... I might end up getting a gift for myself though. We love to spend Valentine at home - dine and wine!

  10. I also dislkie Valentine's, but it's probably because I don't have someone special to share this day with!A good book is always a great present! :)

  11. We rarely do valentines day and if we do it's a small, in the house thing with not many or any gifts. To us it's a man made, commercial thing. We try and show love to each other throughout the year instead.

  12. I’m in my 30 ‘s and I just bought my boyfriend things he needed. Plus some electronics.

  13. We stopped buying gifts a long time ago but if given the option I would love a new camera .

  14. A good book would make a good gift for Valentine's Day. We don't really celebrate this day.

  15. I'm not picky...I just like knowing I was thought of. But I would love a book or even a gift card to a bookstore!

  16. We don't really celebrate valentines day, more just enjoy each others company!

  17. Books are always a good idea for a gift, well maybe for me I like to read.

  18. Those are interesting gift ideas. I would normally want something to eat during Valentine's day. Some chocolates or maybe a box of pizza.
