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hi, I am a 40+ year old who loves jewellery and all things sparkly. I also enjoy trying out and reviewing new makeup products, finding stylish walking sticks, reading and writing book reviews. I will review anything from bird tables/ hedgehog houses to the latest fashion! My Instagram account is @sparkling_magpie

Sunday 21 February 2021

Book Review: A Scandal Made In London by Lucy King

A Scandal Made in London is written by Lucy King and published by M&B Modern.  Billionaire Theo Knox always felt as though he owed Mike Cassidy a debt which he never got to repay as he sadly passed away. Theo, therefore, was shocked when he discovered Mike’s sister Kate Cassidy was an employee who was also trying to set up a sideline as high class to sell her virginity! Kate is over 6ft in height and lacks confidence. Theo is even taller than she is and is an alpha male. They enter a relationship and she becomes pregnant. Can they overcome their secrets and issues and create a future for three?

A somewhat formulaic romance: problem, fake relationship, relation ship, baby and marriage. The height was an added interest as was seeing her blossom and become less self conscious. A quick easy read. 

I received this book via Netgalley and Mills and Boon in exchange for a honest review. I am a #MillsAndBoonInsider #netgalley #gifted

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